Clean Fuels Program

Updated: Jul 4, 2023

Clean Fuels Program

What’s the Goal of the Clean Fuels Program?

The goal of the clean fuels or low-carbon fuel programs is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote the use of cleaner, lower carbon-intensity fuels, such as electric vehicles – including electric material handling equipment. These programs aim to improve air quality by setting annual reduction targets and gradually lowering the carbon intensity of fuels used in the states.

How Does Payment Work for the Clean Fuels Program?

The payment system revolves around the trading of credits and deficits between regulated parties. Parties that produce cleaner fuels have a surplus of credits and sell their credits to parties with deficits that produce higher carbon-intensity fuels, like gasoline, diesel, liquid natural gas, and propane. Parties that produce high-carbon fuels must purchase credits to offset their deficit balances. Every time you charge your electric fleet, you’re generating credits – which means cash for you.

What equipment counts as low-carbon?

Any electric equipment such as:

  • Forklifts & Material Handling Equipment
  • Fleet Passenger Vehicles & Trucks
  • Fleet or Public EV Chargers
  • Terminal Tractor or Yard Goats
  • Pallet Jacks or Walkies

Click on one of the links below to learn more about these Clean Fuels Programs: